蔡俊雄 - 澳纽英美移民顾问 - 为您妥善取得移民签证
关于我们 About Us | ANTIGUA and BARBUDA (安提瓜和巴布达) | The Philippines (SRRV) 菲律宾移民 | The Philippines APECO Visa 菲律宾移民 | Spain Residency Visa 西班牙 | Caribbean CBI passport and change name |
Spain Residency Visa 西班牙 |
If you wish to reside in Spain for a period longer than above, being a non-EU citizen, you will be required to obtain a residence permit. There are very many different types of residence permits for non-EU citizens, depending on your objective of residence, and consequently the requirements for each vary. One of the simplest and the easiest to get is a Retirement residence permit, which will allow you to stay in Spain initially for a period of 1 year with a possibility of renewal. As the name suggests, the non-lucrative residence does not allow its bearer to work in Spain, meaning you need to have enough economic means or regular income elsewhere to support you and your family while residing in Spain. Considering its non-lucrative nature, such permit would ideally suit to all pensioners willing to retire in Spain, or individuals who have sufficient funds without the need to work, or those receiving passive income. Restriction to perform professional or economic activity in Spain is basically the one and only limitation of this residence permit, as for the rest it allows its bearer not only to reside legally in Spain, but also to invest in property or shares, to enrol on educational programs, as well as to travel freely within other Schengen countries. The main applicant can also bring his/her family to enjoy the same advantages of the non-lucrative residence in Spain. There is a list of requirements to meet in order to qualify for the Retirement permit in Spain. The two main being: - Have necessary economic means to support yourself and your family for the period of residence in Spain and for the return to the home country in case required. The criteria to define the sufficient level of income is based on the IPREM which is an official public income index, and which in 2023 equals to 600€. The monthly income level required for the main applicant equals to 400% of IPREM, so around 2’400€ a month or 28’800€ a year. And 100% IPREM additionally monthly for each family member (7'200€ annually). Any type of proof is accepted to show the necessary economic means (bank statements, property titles, credit cards, certified cheques), particular Embassy/Foreign office has different rules.. we will do arrangement on this - Health cover. Like with any type of residence permit, the applicant and the family members should possess a very comprehensive health insurance from an insurance company authorised to operate on the territory of Spain
There are also requirements which a checklist will be given when you
are ready to engaged our service. 西班牙除了投资黄金签证外,还提供一种独特的居留许可签证,称为非盈利居留签证,这种签证是西班牙于2011年推出的,旨在吸引富有人士到西班牙生活消费。非盈利居留签证不需要在西班牙投资,适用于具有足够的资产和非工作性收入,不需工作即可维持在西班牙长期居留生活的非欧洲人。非盈利性意味着申请人不能在西班牙工作,非工作性收入也就是被动收入,比如养老金,租金或股息等。长期居住要求申请人每年在西班牙住满183天才可维持居留身份。首次申请到的居留有效期为一年,续期时居留有效期为两年,以后就每两年续期一次,满足居住要求后可申请西班牙永居,亦可申请入籍西班牙。 获得西班牙非盈利签证的最主要要求是有足够的经济能力支撑全家在西班牙的生活消费,因此资金证明是核心要求。在西班牙确定个人每年最低收入的指标简称IPREM,非盈利签证的申请人每年必须在银行账户中存有IPREM价值400%的资金。2022年西班牙规定的每年400%的IPREM值约为2.8万欧元,每增加一名家庭成员需要多存入约7000欧元。财务状况的证明文件主要是6个月内银行对账单,西班牙境外收入的银行认证文件,包括房租,房产,股票等收入。 其它的主要申请条件包括: